
  • Behind the Scenes: The Secret Life of Casino Dealers and Pit Bosses
    Behind the Scenes: The Secret Life of Casino Dealers and Pit Bosses

    Casino was shot inside the Riviera hotel, where a fake counting room was constructed to facilitate filming without disrupting real gamblers. Pit bosses undergo extensive dealer training before being promoted to pit boss status. Their duties include overseeing games to ensure proper operation and mediating disputes when needed. Secret Codes and Signs Casino gambling can […]


  • The Evolution of Slot Machines: From Classic Reels to Video Slots
    The Evolution of Slot Machines: From Classic Reels to Video Slots

    Slot machines have evolved throughout history from mechanical simplicity in Charles Fey’s Liberty Bell machine to today’s elaborate video slots with brand names, reels and advanced gameplay features. These changes have come about thanks to both artistic excellence and technological innovations. Here is an overview of some of the more notable developments: Classic Reels Charles […]
